Polyrattan baskets
Bread baskets: for use in the dining room or kitchen
Bread baskets and polyrattan baskets are a real must-have for catering establishments. Indeed, it allows you to offer your customers fresh bread in all circumstances, in an adapted container. On Buffet Plus, find the model that suits your needs among the selection of CHR service baskets.
At first, these accessories have an obvious practical aspect. Besides, they can also have an aesthetic purpose: a pretty bread basket will add an extra decorative touch to any table setting.
Serving baskets also have their place in a kitchen: on Buffet Plus, you will even find a baguette basket, ideal for storing bread before serving.
Bread baskets in polyrattan
Polyrattan : Polyrattan is a braided resin that immitates perfectly natural rattan, wicker or bamboo. Lesser expensive, polyrattan is also lighter and therefore easier to handle. On the other hand, it has the advantage of being unbreakable and especially resistant to humidity and cold, as well as to shocks. Finally, it is easy to clean since it is dishwasher proof, saving you time.
This accessory can also be placed on a self-service buffet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. As you will have understood, bread polyrotin baskets are a must for you, catering professionals.