Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Nominative data In accordance with article 27 of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, the forms present information on the site which can be transmitted and exploited by SAS BUFFET-PLUS - 39 avenue du General de Gaulle - CS 10046 - 63306 THIERS Cedex, France.

The user is informed that he / she has the right to access, rectify and oppose the data related on BUFFET-PLUS, which address is given above.

Copyright - Protection of Copyright, Databases and Trademarks

Intellectual property rights

The website, the general structure, the animated or non-animated images, the sounds, the know-how, the drawings, the graphics and all other element composing the site, are the exclusive property of SAS BUFFET-PLUS. The photos of the articles are the property of APS.

BUFFET PLUS which is protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code of the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases and SAS BUFFET-PLUS is a producer.

The BUFFET PLUS brand is registered by SAS BUFFET-PLUS.

Any use or reproduction, total or partial, of the site, element or element of information, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the code of the intellectual property, except agreement prior written notice from SAS BUFFET-PLUS.


Applicable law

This site is exclusively governed by French law and international conventions applicable in France.

Publisher Info

SAS BUFFET-PLUS - CS 10046 - 63306 THIERS Cedex

Phone: +33 (0) 4 73 80 86 77 

Responsible for publication: Lionel COTTE

RCS Clermont-Ferrand B 900 755 307

Capital 10 000 €

European VAT NR FR 66 900 755 307

SIRET 900 755 307 00015

APE 4791B

Realization: OpenStudio. The website uses the THELIA kernel.

Site hosting : Nursit - 2 allée du clos des hortensias - 59700 Marcq-En-Baroeul

Photo credits: APS, BUFFET-PLUS.